A first draft assembly of the poppy anemone genome has been recently obtained by University of Torino (DISAFA, Plant Genetics and Breeding, Italy, team leader Sergio Lanteri), in collaboration with Biancheri Creazioni, an ornamental company based in Camporosso (IM, Italy).

  • Martina M, Acquadro A, Barchi L, Gulino D, Brusco F, Rabaglio M, Portis F, Portis E, Lanteri S. Genome-Wide Survey and Development of the First Microsatellite Markers Database (AnCorDB) in Anemone coronaria L. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022; 23(6):3126. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms23063126

The genome draft was assembled from ~10-fold next-generation sequencing data, into ~2M scaffolds (N50= ~6.1 Kbp), which represent ~78.6% of the estimated A. coronaria genome (7,8Gb) Gb of genomic sequence. SSR-mining, performed with the SciRoKo SSR search module, identified 403.106 perfect motifs, average density across the genome of 65,8 SSRs/Mbp.